G.L.O.B.A.L. Justice: TOP 10 GLOBAL NEWS of 2024


10.   Cyber attacks and hacking: As cyber technology expands, so   too have cyber attacks and hacking into major business and governmental systems.  Attacks on global banking have shown a notable surge in ransomware incidents and state-sponsored cyber espionage.  In addition, there has been an increase in major global tech hacks as well as an escalation in State-sponsored cyber espionage activities. Microsoft reported that Russia, China, and Iran increasingly utilized criminal networks for cyber espionage and hacks.

9.   Digital/technological privacy reforms: As the Digital Age continues to advance, so too have related regulations, restrictions, and reforms, particularly protecting privacy. Digital espionage became a global concern, with nation-states and cybercriminal organizations ramping up attacks on sensitive data and critical infrastructure worldwide. Countries like the United States, China, Russia, and Iran were implicated in cyber-espionage activities. Several countries also implemented measures to restrict the use of mobile phones during government meetings to enhance security and mitigate espionage risks. Some of the most notable countries implementing this are the Netherlands and France. Various countries also started enforcing age limits for the usage of phones and certain social media apps to protect the integrity and security of children.  And several countries and states in the US banned the use of phones in the classroom demanding them to be left in lockers or at home. In the US this restriction sparked controversies due to the need to stay in contact with families in cases of emergencies including school shootings. 

8.   Internet governance and access: Along with privacy concerns, governments have also instituted regulations on internet use and access. The United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) actively participated in the Internet Governance Forum, highlighting the need to advance human rights and inclusion in the digital era. The forum underscored the importance of enhancing the digital contribution to peace, development, and sustainability, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals. 

7.   AI Innovations: Among the technological advances that are most notable is the advance of artificial intelligence (AI) that is used on a wide scale across sectors and regions.  But with AI’s rapid rise, there has been a rising need for related controls, laws, and regulations.  Different countries around the globe implemented legal measures to understand and control the use of artificial intelligence in the modern day, from EU’s transparency and accountability regulations to China’s information control management.  More broadly, AI has raised concerns for its impact on the workforce. While some jobs seem to be at risk there has also been an increase in developmental jobs.  In addition, AI has seen an increase of utility in fields such as healthcare, cars, education, finance, climate change, and creative services.  

6.   Freedom of the press/speech: Journalism around the world has been under constant attack.  This year the UNESCO reported 68 journalists losing their lives because to their work around the globe. These attacks demonstrate a common trend regarding censorship and repression of speech. There were several investigations regarding the transparency of governments with their people and the repression of their rights of freedom of speech on social media.  There were also a series of protests against governments fighting the censorship they face personally as people and journalists.  

5.   Global Climate Activism: A rise in climate protests included activists organizing strikes across over 50 countries, mobilizing millions to advocate for immediate and substantial climate policies.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released its 2024-2027 Climate Adaptation Plan, outlining actions to build a more climate-resilient nation. 

4.   Regional War & Conflict:  Despite advances in other arenas, the Israel/Gaza conflicts have only escalated.  The responses from various nations have been divided and often controversial.  But one of the world’s major current conflicts resulting in the second largest refugee crisis in history, the Russia Ukraine conflict looks to be moving toward a cease fire.  Initial peace talks and negotiations may result in important changes for the new year.  

3.   Olympics: Paris hosted the XXIII Olympiad on an epic scale. The Olympics remains not only an international sports pinnacle but also retains social, political, and historical value. While Paris captured many of those values in the 2024 Olympics, it also raised several controversies throughout the events, on religious, social, and politic contexts. But the Olympics continued to show the dominance of the US and China, both in sport and in the global context 

2.   Elections:  Many elections were held around the world with global political leadership changes and controversies. The investigation of Venezuela’s election is an example.  President Maduro won once again the elections in Venezuela and countries demanded to see the voting record for transparency.  India’s leadership path and elections faced criticism from many because of hate speech allegations and fault in the voting counts questioning the power of the majority. Mexico elected their first Female president, marking a milestone in the country’s political environment.  The US held a highly anticipated election year including the presidential elections watched by many around the world. While this year there was a potential for the first female U.S president, the election resulted in the return of Donald Trump. 

 1.   Space Innovations:  While the world has been filled with major news, the biggest news of the year may well be outside of this world. The year marked many space related innovations.  Space X launched record-breaking activities and significant advancements in satellite internet services, and notable progress in spacecraft development. NASA's Parker Solar Probe completed its closest-ever approach to the Sun, flying just 3.8 million miles from the solar surface. China advanced its plans to establish a lunar base, focusing on the lunar south pole with the goal of completing the first phase by 2035. Chinese astronauts Cai Xuzhe and Song Lingdong completed a record-breaking 9-hour spacewalk, the longest in human history.  Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko set a new world record for the most time spent in space, surpassing 1,110 days.



By Sosamma Samuel-Burnett, J.D.

Founder/President, G.L.O.B.A.L. Justice

The 2024 Presidential Election was historic in many ways.  We had in Kamala Harris, the first female VP and first woman of color as presidential candidate, and in Donald Trump, a returning presidential candidate who previously marked a historic win for the presidency.  And the election results in 2024 – Donald Trump winning over Kamala Harris – is also historic in some ways.  But perhaps more important and more notable than the presidential election results is how this election has been a reminder and indicator of our American polity and its implications for our country.

“Polity” is a word that we don’t often use when we currently talk about American politics or political process. We often talk about specific party candidates and policy platforms or partisanship in general. But we don’t talk about the polity – what it is, what it does, what it wants.  But politics is fundamentally about the polity.  That is, our American society as a whole as a political entity is the foundation of our American politics and a gauge to understand what is happening in our political processes.

In 2016, when Donald Trump won over Hillary Clinton, our American polity, and our American people in general, as a whole was not pleased with either candidate.  Most were not voting for one of these candidates but rather against the other.  The result was a near even split in the voting, but with Trump having the edge to become President.  Many were shocked that Trump, with his populist bravado and who was then outside the “establishment,” would win.  But if we understand that our American polity was not wanting “the establishment,” or politics as usual, then Trump’s win in 2016 is more understandable though still challenging for many.

In 2020, when Joe Biden won over Donald Trump, our American polity had to choose between two white males with very different political perspectives.  The vote swung against Trump as many in America wanted something and someone who was more civil than in the previous four years.  Trump’s presidency was measured differently than his candidacy.

Now, in 2024, our American polity was looking for a change from Biden who was generally viewed as ineffective during his presidency.  But the American people were also not generally happy with either candidate, Donald Trump or Kamala Harris, as neither specifically resonated with the interests of the American polity as a whole.  Those who voted for one or the other were not generally voting for the candidate but for the policies that each represented.  

Reviewing these recent results, both the Democratic and Republican political parties in particular need to understand a few things about our American polity as it relates to the recent presidential elections:

Republicans, the Right, Conservatives, etc. have become increasingly less concerned with who the candidate is and more concerned with what they represent in terms of their political and policy perspectives.  But the candidate does matter and does have an impact in how the rest of the American pepole receive, accept, and support that candidate and president.  So the Republicans continued alignment with Trump may cause greater concern to the overall American polity, or at least for their support for his presidency.

Democrats, the Left, Liberals, Progressives, etc. have become increasingly of the mindset that their candidate is superior to any from the Republicans/Right and that they represent the people more broadly. But Democrats have missed the reasons why many Americans, both right and center, have not voted for their candidate.  They generally have not perceived the Democratic party candidates as representing the American people more broadly, regardless of what the Democratic party’s perception has been.

Simply put, the American polity – the American people in particular – are not buying what the parties are selling.  What the American people in general are looking for both in their presidential candidates and in their President are values, policies, and practices that align with what they believe to be in the best interest of themselves, their families, and their country.  They are not looking for candidates or presidents that are focused on party politics and policies.

Kamala Harris’ campaign tried to reach a cross-section of the community through her campaign ads and campaign visits, but the policies that her party represents did not resonate with many that are in the right or center politically, and/or located in the middle of the country, which is very distinct from the coasts.  They did not want four more years of what they believed was an ineffective Biden presidency, or also did not want four years of a more liberal agenda than what he had.

Donald Trump, though elected, does not get a pass from these same groups either.  The American people want significant and meaningful change from the past four years with President Biden, but they don’t necessarily want what Trump provided in the previous four years of his presidency.  Trump has to forge a different path with less ego and bravado and more policy and positive impact.

When we look at what the American polity is, does, and wants, it has been interesting to watch how as more of our Left and Right parties and candidates have become more intense in their partisan views, the less in touch they are with the general attitudes of the American polity as a whole.   Our American society  is putting candidates into office not by supporting partisan political views.  They are selecting candidates based on either “the lesser of evils” and/or based on who is most likely to focus on American people’s central concerns rather than the parties concerns.

Personally, I came to this country as an immigrant and as a person of color and I am grateful to be part of the American polity.  My experience and understanding of being part of this political society has been informed by my many years of studying and teaching American and international politics and advocating on related justice topics.  It has been reinforced by my experiences in America as a Christian, woman, wife, mother, professional, and community member.   While many others in this country are not necessarily informed formally by their education or profession in politics, most in this country determine their political perspectives through their own meaningful experiences here.   And those experiences matter in the decisions they make in this country.

I appreciate that there are many in America who have strong political views, and I appreciate that this country has room for a range of parties and candidates.  But I do encourage those with the strongest views to also be aware of what is beyond their political views and political parties. Presidential elections are not only about political parties and platforms, they are about the American polity’s collective experiences and views of leadership for the country.  The American polity will give us a gauge on what kind of leadership the American people want for the kinds of results they seek for the country.   And when the American people have to choose between flawed candidates and flawed parties, they will find a way to voice how they want that leader to lead despite those flaws.  And if a President does not lead in that way, they will make a change.  That is what our American polity is about – representative government and leadership that represents the people as a whole.  And that is what each of our political parties and candidates need to be reminded through this election and into future ones. The will of the American polity and the voice of the American people matter.


A Tribute to Don Brewster: Friend, Pastor, Advocate, Leader, Jesus Follower

By Sosamma Samuel=Burnett,

Founder/President, G.L.O.B.A.L. JusticE

My husband Zack and I met Don and Bridget Brewster in April 2001.  We had just moved to Rocklin, California as Zack was beginning his training as a U-2 pilot at Beale Air Force Base. We were newlyweds who had not even been married a year.  Zack was a new Christian and had started going to church only the year before in Mississippi.  So we made it a priority to find a church home right away when we arrived in California.  Zack suggested we try Adventure Christian Church in Roseville.  I was hesitant because I had not gone to a contemporary, nondenominational church before and "Adventure" sounded very "California" to me.  But he had an instinct about that church, so we started to attend. 

The Founding Pastor RIck Stedman made such a great impression on us with his sermons that seemed to speak so directly to each person.  And the church grew very quickly. The Executive Pastor was Don Brewster.  While Rick continued to preach and reach the community, Don worked with the pastoral team to guide the church through its growth.  And Don also made a tremendous impression on us with his heart for service. We engaged in various service projects that he coordinated in the community. 

By November 2001, Adventure became an incredibly impactful part of our life. That month, Zack decided to be baptized, fully immersing (literally and figuratively) in his Christian faith. Don Brewster was the pastor who joined with me in baptizing Zack. 

Soon after, Adventure grew so much that they started a satellite service at Rocklin High School.  Don Brewster led that service and grew another part of the Adventure congregation. Zack and I and several others from Adventure made the decision to join Don and help that satellite service.  That forged a deeper bond with not only Don but also Julie Harrold and others who worked with Don and befriended us. 

Some time afterwards, Adventure shifted to a much larger building where both services could merge.  Don continued to help guide the church through tremendous growth.  During that time, he and Bridget were asked to go to Thailand to check on some of Adventure's missionaries.  This was a travel experience that neither of them were fully desiring to do, but they went to be supportive.  During that trip, they also travelled through Cambodia.  Bridget enjoyed the Thailand trip, but did not like the Cambodia experience. But that experience left a strong imprint on both of them. 

But one day in the midst of all that was their incredible church ministry, God called Don and Bridget in a mighty but different way.  They were asked to shift from their pastoral roles at Adventure Christian Church and follow Him to Cambodia where they would establish the anti-sex trafficking work of Agape International Missions.  Since that time, they have led AIM through remarkable valleys and peaks to reach and rescue thousands of women, men, and children from the intense evil of sex trafficking in a country that had been devastated by a tragic history.  They were passionate about their work, and grew to love Cambodia and its people so much. They dedicated their lives to serving in the country and sacrificially gave everything they had to sustain AIM's ministry. 

In 2005, I was introduced to the AIM Board by Bryce Jessup, who was President of William Jessup University and also AIM's Board Chair.  I had just proposed and established a Public Policy Program at WJU and was starting my first year of serving as Chair of the Department.  I wasn't sure that joining the AIM Board at that time was a good idea, but I believed in the cause and Bryce believed in me.  Joining that Board meant working directly with Don & Bridget.  That changed the trajectory of my relationship with them.  They were no longer my pastors, but they were leaders that I had a responsibility to serve, support, guide, and encourage in their remarkable ministry at AIM. 

A year after joining the Board, I had the opportunity to become Board Chair.  Over the next 10 years, I served in that role both in California until 2013 and then in Colorado from 2013-2017.  Over the total of 12 years that I served on the AIM Board, there was not a single day that I wasn't struck by the commitment, the sacrifice, and the tenacity of Don Brewster in the work of AIM. The only person who could match his dedication was his wife Bridget, who not only served alongside him in church ministry but in AIM's ministry as well.  

Together they became international leaders in the fight against human trafficking, particularly sex trafficking. Their names and the work of AIM have resonated with, represented, and were quoted by so many advocates and survivors around the world as pioneers in this fight. 

When I established G.L.O.B.A.L. Justice in 2014 in Loveland, CO, Don & Bridget were among the first people I reached out to join our Board.  Despite being in the throes of their intense work with AIM, they chose to also support the work of this organization.  They have served, supported, guided, and encouraged me through the past 10 years on the G.L.O.B.A.L. Board. 

In September 2024, Don & Bridget travelled from Hawaii, their current home, to visit California and the AIM community for their events, and then to Colorado for G.L.O.B.A.L's 10th anniversary events. It was a truly blessed time with them and most of our Board and Staff from various parts of the country.  During our 10th Anniversary weekend, I had the opportunity to recognize Don & Bridget for their support, leadership, and friendship, and especially Don for being such an amazing inspiration to so many, especially me. 

I had no idea that when our weekend came to an end, that would be the last time I would see Don in this world. When Don & Bridget returned to California, he had a stroke.  He then had the fight of his life.  And when a second stroke ended that fight, no one was prepared for his passing. No one could have imagined in the days and weeks prior that this would be his last moments here..

I was in shock at the news of the stokes and then Don’s passing, especially given the beautiful time we had together in Colorado so recently. I know one day I will look back with remarkable joy at that weekend and at all the years of ministry we have shared with Don.  But at the moment, I am overcome by a sadness that is deep and difficult.  I find peace in knowing that we said all the things that needed to be said and had the all the moments that anyone could ask for with him.  But I wrestle with the loss of some one who has meant so much to me for so long., though I know one day, I will see him again.

It has truly been a privilege to know and love Don and Bridget Brewster over so many years.  There are many great leaders in this world, but there are few that have made the personal, professional, and spiritual impact of Don Brewster.  There are many great people in this world, but there are few who have the pure heart and courageous spirit of Don Brewster.  And there is only person who embodies all of these qualities in this particular life so well lived -- only Don Brewster. 

I know that heaven is celebrating Don's arrival in an amazing way to welcome this good and faithful servant who loves Jesus and loved so many others, especially the vulnerable and abused in our world. We love you, Don, and we are so indebted to you for all the ways that you have loved us. 


December 2022

G.L.O.B.A.L. Justice provides daily Global News summaries of key headlines of critical news stories. At the end of each year we provide a Top 10 news stories of the year from the news we have highlighted throughout the year. While this summation could not possibly highlight all significant news and events from 2022, we present the following as some of the most significant. As with every year, 2022 presented many challenges locally and globally on many fronts and noteworthy geopolitical events with implications for 2023 and the years to come. 

10. Elon Musk and Twitter

Recently noteworthy for 2022, is Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter. Users and individuals across the world have strong opinions about the changes that have taken place and the information he has revealed about Twitter’s previous policies including the censorship of particular viewpoints and news in the 2020 elections. The EU and UK have threatened sanctions against Twitter because of the changes in policies. Regardless of personal viewpoints, Elon Musk has impacted and sparked conversations regarding free speech and the role of social media in 2022. 

9. Changes in COVID-19 Policies 

COVID-19, its implications, and policies continue to be a top news topic in 2022. In the United States, the District of Columbia and states such as New York ended vaccine requirements for restaurants and other public places early 2022. Other states, like California have increased vaccine requirements for state employees such as public school teachers. Most recently, China faced rare protests against it’s zero COVID-19 policies that had left thousands locked in their homes which resulted in increased deaths due to lack of medical care or food insecurity. As a result, many of these policies have at least for now been lifted and the citizens of China are navigating a way of life that is dramatically different than the last two years. 

8. Death of Queen Elizabeth II 

One of the most notable deaths of 2022 is the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Queen Elizabeth the II died in September of 2022 at the age of 96 after serving as the United Kingdoms longest serving monarch, after reigning for 70 years. Throughout her reign, fifteen prime ministers served the United Kingdom, including Winston Churchhill. Her son, son King Charles III became King with his wife Camila becoming Queen. The Queen’s death was marked by leaders around the world who offered their respects to the Queen as well as mourners who lined up for days to pay their respects. 

7. Migration Surge and Response in the United States/Globally

While each year has had its fair share of migration increases/concerns, in 2022 the world experienced an increase as a result of various crises around the world. Nations have responded to this increase in different ways, either decreasing or increasing their willingness to host refugees and asylum seekers. Pakistan experienced an increase in Afghan refugees due to the Taliban and humanitarian conditions in Afghanistan. The United Kingdom faced criticism for its plan to refoul asylum seekers back to Rwanda. As in other years, in many instances, individuals fleeing to seek refuge in other nations in 2022 perished on their journeys. The United States in particular saw a surge in migrants from South America and Ukraine seeking asylum at the southern border. The Biden administration continued to enforce policies at the border put in place under President Trump to the criticism of many. Cities facing an increase in migrant needs along the southern border with no increase in resources sent migrants to other cities to the criticism of many and even accusations of human trafficking. 

6. Global Supply Chain Concerns/Inflation - Chip Shortage, Railroad Strike, Fuel Prices, and Diesel Shortage 

While 2020 and 2021 had their fair share of supply shortages and concerns around the world, in 2022 individuals experienced an increase in these concerns. Chip shortages resulted in shortages with various electronics as well as the production and supply of vehicles. Countries around the world have felt a sharp increase in the cost of living due to inflation and increased government spending. Supply concerns were also impacted by threatened railroad strikes in the United States and other nations as well as fuel concerns in part due to the war in Ukraine as well as policies enacted. Households in Germany and other European nations were particularly impacted. Fuel prices also jumped in the United States but eventually began to drop as the United States approached our midterm elections. 

5. Continued Conflicts and Crises Around the World

In addition to the war in Ukraine and the Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan, many parts of the world continued to face food shortages, war, environmental, and other crises. Pakistan faced extreme flooding leading to hundreds of deaths and the displacement of thousands. Somalia and Sudan continued to face conflict and famine. Ethiopia and Eritrea continued to be in conflict resulting in deaths related to the war including civilians. Haiti along with other South American nations faced increase gang violence and civil unrest. Nigeria faced flooding that killed hundreds and displaced thousands while also seeing an increase in violence against Christians. 

4. Afghanistan - Status of Vulnerable One Year after the U.S. Withdrawal

While the United States evacuated Afghanistan in 2021, the humanitarian conditions of the rights of the vulnerable in Afghanistan and the status of Afghan refugees around the world was one of the direst in 2022. Open Doors U.S.A. determined that Afghanistan was the most dangerous country for Christians in its annual review, the first time North Korea has been displaced from most dangerous to second most dangerous nation for Christians. Other minority groups such as the Hazara are facing increased violence at the hands of the Taliban. Women and girls have continued to be removed from public life including school and work - women in particular are punished if they go out in public without a suitable male escort and girls as young as four are reportedly being sold into marriage to provide for other family members. Thousands of Afghan refugees evacuated by the United States are still in the Humanitarian City in UAE without a path forward. Afghans paroled into the United States are facing an end to their temporary permission to stay, and thousands do not have a path forward through our immigration system. 

3. Iran Protests

Protests have been ongoing in Iran since the death of 22 year old Mahsa Amini when she was in custody of the country’s morality police just three days before she died. She was arrested for not wearing her hijab correctly and for wearing skinny jeans. The government denied that her death was their responsibility. Iranians of all ages, religions, and genders have demonstrated in her death - but primarily young people - women in particular. As of December 2022 at least 100 people who were detained are facing the death penalty. At least two younger protesters have already been executed. The result of these protests for the government and the people of Iran will continue to evolve in 2023. 

2. Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization 

The leaked draft Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision from the Supreme Court overruling Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey sparked protests and rallies at the Supreme Court and Capitals across the nation. Both pro-life and pro-abortion advocates were rallied to express their support or opposition to the leaked decision. Conservative Supreme Court Justices were threatened and protests were held in front of their private homes. Months later, the Supreme Court released the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey returning the issue of abortion access to the states. This provided the opportunity not only for greater regulation of abortion access but also the expansion of abortion access. States have responded in a range of ways - codifying existing abortion rights, expanding abortion rights, and restricting abortion rights. Whether the Dobbs decision decreased or increased abortion access will continue to be determined in 2023. 

1. Ukraine/Russian War

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the resulting war is perhaps one if not the top news topic of 2022. Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, civilians in Ukraine have fled their homes - disproportionately women and children, both Russia and Ukraine have sustained significant losses, and the world has provided billions of dollars of humanitarian and military aid to Ukraine. While there have been talks between Russia and Ukraine with the assistance of the United States and other western nations, no resolution has been reached between the two nations. 

Look back on all top news of 2022 and follow along with G.L.O.B.A.L. in 2023 for our daily Global News here.

The Dobbs Decision, the U.S. Supreme Court, and Human Rights of the most Vulnerable

The Dobbs Decision, the U.S. Supreme Court, and Human Rights of the most Vulnerable

Much can be said and has been said about the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs. v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization which overturned Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. This decision, which has been anticipated by both pro-choice and pro-life advocates for weeks (thanks to a leaked draft opinion), lays out clearly its reasoning in finding that there is not a constitutional right to abortion and therefore the issue of abortion is left to the states.