G.L.O.B.A.L. Justice is committed to conducting critical research to support individuals, organizations, and institutions in their efforts to address injustices worldwide.

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Religious Freedom

Religious Freedom is foundational to realizing a range of human rights. G.L.O.B.A.L. researches religious freedom by addressing oppression, persecution, and related political, social, and economic concerns.



Christian Bioethics

G.L.O.B.A.L. is developing our bioethics research on topics such as abortion, aging, mental health, suicide prevention, and healthcare.


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Water Rights & The Right to Water

G.L.O.B.A.L. researches various environmental justice concerns that impact human rights, economic justice, and environmental stewardship. Among our focus topics is water rights & the human right to water, and the impacts of water quality and water access on the ability for people to live healthy, flourishing lives.




G.L.O.B.A.L. Fellow for Environmental Sustainability Ujunwa Okeke shares her study of the impact of hazardous waste disposal sites on low-income communities, and affecting predominantly people of color. This study provides both a historical and present-day review of related environmental justice and health concerns.


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G.L.O.B.A.L. has launched a one year study on the Unintended Consequences of COVDI-19 Policies and Practices and Women and Children. This comparative study looks at the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations in the U.S., Mexico, Uganda, India, and Cambodia to review the affects on women and children in varying development contexts.



Women’s Issues Around the World

Women are the major victims of human rights abuses around the world. G.L.O.B.A.L. researches not only specific human rights abuses against women but the status and progress of women overall. G.L.O.B.A.L. research papers and commentaries focus on how to empower women toward a realization of rights and to flourish in society.



The Positive Impact of Social-Emotional Learning on Vulnerable Student Populations

G.L.O.B.A.L’s Education Policy Fellow Vanessa Ruiz-Salazar conducted a study on The Positive Impact of Social-Emotional Learning on Vulnerable Student Populations. This study was particular timely in the context of the COVID-19 global pandemic and the increase in remote learning for children.



Children Caught in Crisis: Pathways of Advocacy for Unaccompanied and Separated Migrant Children

G.L.O.B.A.L’s Children’s Advocacy Fellow Sarah Bond conducted a research project on Pathways of Advocacy for Unaccompanied and Separated Children that highlighted the concerns for vulnerable children at the U.S. border and other contexts.




G.L.O.B.A.L. Justice is committed to supporting research that moves the cause of biblical justice forward. One of the ways that we do this is by inviting fellows to lead in new avenues of research or to expand on research that we have initiated to address justice concerns worldwide.



research resources available in our clearinghouse

G.L.O.B.A.L’s Clearinghouse of articles, visual & audio resources, and other research is an invaluable \ to students & professionals in many fields of interest and topics of justice.