On September 17, 1787, the Constitutional Convention delegates signed a unique and enduring document that stood not only as the framework for the newly formed U.S. government but would endure to be the longest running constitutional democracy in history. The opening preamble in itself framed the most important elements of the document and its purpose…
National Anthem: Reflection on the Bicentennial of the Star Spangled Banner
When I was a high school student, I had the honor of being selected by the governor to represent my home state of Minnesota at the National Flag Day celebration in Washington, DC and Maryland. That honor allowed me the opportunity to visit Baltimore and Fort McHenry for the first time. The visit provided an overview of not only of our nation’s early history but also the context for our National Anthem. And it left me with a deep impression that lingers today.
September 11 – Remembered
On September 11, 2001, my husband, Zack, and I woke early morning in our Rocklin, CA home. Zack had just completed his training for the U2 program and was heading to work that morning at Beale Air Force Base. He happened to turn on the TV to watch the morning news as he zipped up his flight suit and filled his flight bag. I was upstairs when he called out for me — I looked over the banister of the loft to see him standing in the living room watching the TV screen as the jets crashed into the Twin Towers.