
Where Is Technology Taking Us?

Where Is Technology Taking Us?

If one were to try and identify the most pivotal phenomenon of our times, it would be hard to challenge the spectrum of technological change. Nearly every field of endeavor has been altered by technology and more rapidly than at any time in history. In comparison to the industrial revolution, which took about 150 years to dramatically upend agricultural society, the information age has taken a mere generation to reshape how we work and live. Moreover, changes now occur so quickly that even rather recent innovations such as compact disks and fax machines are now obsolete. Almost daily, advances in such areas as artificial intelligence, gene editing and 3D printing revise major aspects of our existence. If the past is prologue, we are likely to see an acceleration of technological change in coming decades. These transformations during this information age, like the industrial revolution, have generally gone unquestioned as progress for mankind. Yet, while these changes have made our lives and work easier, more efficient and perhaps materially better, is there also something lacking in this progress, perhaps intangible tradeoffs that are presently opaque but might be eventually revealed only upon reflection of what are lives epitomize?

Secularism, Science, and Attaining a Just Society

Secularism, Science, and Attaining a Just Society

During my youth I heard many adult conversations lamenting the culture of my generation, as expressed in our music, art, language, work ethic, dress, and just plain civility. I always told myself that I would never be that person, criticizing contemporary youth and by extension modern times against some idolized version of my generation’s own past. After all, condemnation of existing society is ubiquitous throughout history, and perhaps more importantly, could reflect poorly upon older generations, which if not creating, at least acquiesce to current cultural mores. Moreover, it always seemed older adults shouldered some responsibility for raising these ostensibly narcissistic and discourteous youth.

A Wilberforce Moment: A Response to the Planned Parenthood Controversy

A Wilberforce Moment: A Response to the Planned Parenthood Controversy

By now many Americans, at least those who access social media or follow the news media, have heard of the controversy over Planned Parenthood’s recent videos that went viral on the internet by capturing conversations by Planned Parenthood personnel about the sale of organs and other parts from aborted babies. No matter what side of the abortion debate one may be standing, the clips of these medical and other professionals talking nonchalantly about baby parts and their availability should rattle everyone, even the most avid abortion rights supporter. The videos depict an exchange that is likened to the illegal organ trafficking that is happening globally. More so, they depict a severe insensitivity to human life and a level of moral callousness that is difficult to comprehend. We need to state, plainly and directly, that what is happening in those videos is wrong. But we also need to go beyond our statements, and do something about it. Afterall, our government funds Planned Parenthood, and we the taxpayer pay for it, in more ways than one.