
Implications Of The 2014 US Midterm Elections for Geopolitics

Implications Of The 2014 US Midterm Elections for Geopolitics

Tuesday, November 4 was a momentous day for Republicans in the U.S.   The mid-term elections resulted in a streak of red across the country signifying several Republican wins for key elected positions in many states and most notably a decisive majority in the U.S. Senate.   These victories may be explained in many ways: low approval ratings for the President, lack of confidence in the Administration and government in general, dissatisfaction in political gridlock, and a growing sense that a “changing of the guard” could be helpful.  Whatever the reasons why the Republicans were elected, now that they are elected, the more significant question is: what will they do now?  What will be the impact of this political shift of power?  And, in particular, what are the implications for geopolitics?