By Amanda Hoops
Outreach Associate, G.L.O.B.A.L. Justice
I often feel as though it's my job as a mom, as the mom, to have it all together and to get it all done. I’m not alone in feeling this pressure to meet every need, have every answer, and keep everyone and everything looking good. But this reality comes crashing down around me time and time again. Whether it’s the wet sheets in the middle of the night, the tantrum at the worst possible time, or the forgotten item at the grocery store - crucial to tonight’s dinner - a mom’s life has a way of humbling us. In these moments, I have to stop and remind myself that to God, we are all like children who need the reassurance and guidance of our Father in heaven.
“As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you.”
God knows each of us, and loves us more than we can ever know. His desire is for us to be in an eternal relationship with Him. He wants to care for us, to comfort us, to meet all our needs. And He does so with the tender love and mercy that we, His children, crave. We do not earn this love, just like our children do not earn ours. God gives it readily and freely, whenever we need it. Just as any parent rushes in to hold and comfort their hurt, scared, or exasperated child, we can have the same image in our minds of our God rushing in to comfort and reassure us day after day. We are the children of an eternal, all-powerful God who meets our needs and gently leads us in His ways - not with judgement or a stern look, but with the same gentleness and kindness that a mother shows her little child.
This verse in Isaiah is an invitation to us all to become more child-like when we go to our Father. We should never be ashamed of seeming weak or needy to God. When we feel discouraged, and so much is going wrong, let’s remember that Jesus came for those who are struggling, not for those who feel like they have it all together. Whether we are parenting or pursuing justice, we can seek Him to give us the encouragement to persevere. God sees our hardships - the overwhelming ones, and the mundane ones. And, as a mother comforts her child, He will rush in to comfort us. .