April 2019 – Church for Survivors and Vulnerable - Dr. Beth Grant


Featuring Dr. Beth Grant
Co-Founder/Director, Project Rescue

What does it look like to take the Church to the streets, to other countries, to the most vulnerable? Dr. Beth Grant knows too well what that looks like. It is simultaneously difficult and beautiful. She and her husband David have served in the mission fields for more than 40 years, fighting injustice and promoting faith. As Co-founder and Director of Project Rescue, a ministry to survivors of sex trafficking, Dr. Grant has brought the Church to some of the most needed places in the world.

Dr. Grant’s ministry and work stems from a deep and abiding faith, immersion in the church, and extensive Christian educational experiences. She holds a B.S. from Central Bible College, an M.A. from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from Biola University. Dr. Grant has served as faculty and guest lecturer in missions and cross-cultural communication in seminaries and universities in India, South Africa, Europe and the United States.

Dr. Grant and her husband David founded Project Rescue in 1997. A team from Bombay Teen Challenge was stunned to find an estimated 100,000 women and children living in sexual slavery. In that first encounter, over 100 women came to Christ, and 37 of their children were rescued – creating an aftercare shelter that night.
Since then Project Rescue has worked extensively to support survivors of sex trafficking. Last year, Project Rescue ministered to over 37, 000 women and children in sexual slavery. They have extended their work to not only India but also Nepal, Bangladesh, Moldova, Tajikistan, Spain, and France, providing aftercare homes, vocational training, afterschool programs, night care shelters, HIV/AIDS and medical clinics, red light district churches and Sunday schools, and awareness and prevention programs.

Dr. Grant’s efforts to bring Christian advocacy to issues of human trafficking worldwide also include serving on the steering committee member of the Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking. In addition, she developed and co-edited Hands That Heal, an international curriculum to train caregivers of trafficking survivors. She also authored Courageous Compassion: Confronting Social Injustice God’s Way.

Dr. Grant’s ministry and advocacy leadership have led her to a range of other leadership opportunities. She served as chairperson for The Network for Women in Ministry for the U.S. from 1999-2010. In 2009 she became the first woman elected to the Executive Presbytery of the National AG USA.

In addition to her advocacy, ministry, and leadership experiences, Dr. Grant remains a testament to what a Christian life and a Christian faith can do for justice. She supports survivors of human trafficking through her steadfast commitment and Christian convictions. She has extended her faith and heart to bring the Church in real and tangible ways to people who would not otherwise experience it. She brings hope and freedom to the most vulnerable.